The entertainment called bschool committees
Ans: Definitely...........
Q: does that mean a bunch of MBA students are more intelligent than a bunch of netas?
Ans: er.... tougher question.......
What is the single biggest excuse for blowing time on bschool campuses? GBM… wins hands down… yeah, I know it sounds savvy… but the reality couldn’t be further away… these are the student meetings convened by student committees whose sole motto in life is “Look Busy, Do Nothing…” First, they stand for elections..…this in itself is a pain considering that there are like a zillion committees encompassing each and every foreseeable student need from mess food to movies to booze…..well, that’s the official reason for havin so many committees… the unofficial version goes something like this…
FLASHBACK…. we once had an especially depressing mock GD session prior to summers… the seniors decided that the juniors had no chance at this rate and that their CVs needed a boost…so they got together and conjectured committees out of thin air by jumbling some letters here and there…. I am guessing there were two panels, bcos of the two distinct style in naming the committees… one set has an X… FLIX, MAXI, FINAX, AXIOM…. Another set has a com… libcomm, sportscomm, placecomm, messcomm…..etc etc…
I don’t know the name of the guy standing up there giving his speech. But in less than 10 minutes, I have to decide if he is a marketing god…. Btw….what is marketing? Something about segmentation…… No idea, the professor hasn’t reached that point yet… Anyway, somehow each and every one on campus manages to win at least one of these elections…… the commoners like me settle down to our business of doing nothing all day, comfortable in the knowledge that there will be no more GBMs….
But no…. the committees have no real work…. there are even committees where one of the members is a chairman and everyone else is a CEO... But none of the committees want to be seen as jobless…. So they fall back on the motto “activity is a substitute for achievement”….. so the movie committee guy spams the whole college with mails about screenings (where he is the only audience apart from the guard who is eager to lock the room as soon as he leaves), the systems committee points at the new printer installed by the director and passes it off as his own blood and sweat…. Another committee begs the students union president to beg the admin for a wetnight, their own work restricted to putting up a poster and overcharging the public for precious drops of nectar so that they can drink free….library committee guy siding with the profs in begging the students to check out the place once in a while… studcom, the students union, cant take credit for anything bcos everything in college falls under the purview of some committee or the other.... so they devised a "Studcom Strategic Group" (must congratulate them for the fancy name)
And my personal favorite… placement committee calls juniors to a GBM and scares the shit out of them....You must understand that serious matters get discussed at these GBMs!!! There is a covert agenda for convening each of these meetings… in one, they ask juniors to submit cvs…. In another they ask seniors not to go home… in another they announce the names of the companies… yes, these are sophisticated matters that cannot obviously be captured in primitive means of communication like email…. Even the director communicates by sending group messages, but 20 year old kids have to preside over GBMs!!!
Moral of the story: As ntm likes to put it, "when people get together in groups, their average IQ plummets..."
Labels: Bschool
Nice hedging strategy-do unto oneself what one would wish to do unto others.
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM
well coming from the creator of kaireli .. the goal of which was to feed bad food .. nd get elephants to shit on campus .. what does one say
Anonymous, at 12:07 AM
u forgot to name the looooooong list of committes that seniors shower after the last wet nite....ufaxi, chimnaxi cheapaxi et that every xler who cant find a place in any of these millions of committes can find himself in two if not more committees......
Anonymous, at 6:18 AM
it's nice to talk shit in your own blog :-) and so you can go on....
it's easy to talk standing on the shore when you can't feel the waves and their impact...
apart from burning your time do some work ... may be tht will help u understand that whether ur good for something or nothing...
nice writing skills ;-) njoi
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Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
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