Diwali: The festival of lights........ and spams!!!!
This post, like all others before it is based on fictional characters… Any resemblance to events or people, living or dead, is purely intentional…. But that doesn’t mean you get all touchy and sulk in a corner or think of cheap means to get back…Also, lock up all your religious beliefs in a small box and set it aside before you read this… Just have fun, forget about it and get on with your lives…
Every Sunday morning, I wake up only when my mom wakes me up with her customary fone call… this routine has been goin on for the last 8 years now….ever since the little one fluttered his wings and set off on his journey to discover the world for himself….
“How was yer Diwali dear?” The festive season was the topic of discussion that morning…
“Oh amma, I did not get any time to actually celebrate Diwali….in between all the deleting spams and bulk messages wishing everyone a happy and prosperous Diwali….”
I know people have no real work to do all day….and I know there is this desperate social need to make their presence felt…. But that doesn’t mean they can wake up early morning thinking what can I do today and populate all their friends’ mailboxes… I know this concept took off in the west… but the sad people that they are, they just have 2 festivals to look forward to all year…. Thanksgiving and Christmas…. If we were to replicate that in India where there are more festivals than days in the year, things might get a little out of hand… add to the fact that our dear old mother India is endowed with much more sons and daughters than any other country in the west…. Which means there is every possibility that each one of us has more spammers (friends…spammers…whats the difference, eh?) than our lesser fortunate western brethren…
Just have a look at this
Ok, granted I do not have an exactly enviable command over Hindu mythology…. But hasn’t diwali got something to do with ram’s victorious return from lanka???? Maybe Ganeshji was his sidekick…. Oh no that was Hanuman…. and he had a monkey’s face… not that of an elephant, u moron!!! Ooopsy!!!
I’ve got this exact same ganeshji foto for like a zillion festivals now…. Ever since I signed up for a mail account… this same foto finds a way to break through all the new improved spam filters apparently set up by yahoo, orkut, google, rediff etc etc….Must be a real good hacker who sends this stuff….. Be it ganesh chathurthi, diwali, new year…..even for Christmas, ppl send me ganeshji fotos!!!! Not that I have a problem with ganeshji’s esteemed presence and blessing in my humble web domain….. but it is kinda frustrating to see people frittering away all the creativity bestowed upon them (thanks, ganeshji…) on the most frivolous of activities… u know? These are a coupla things u shud learn from me… spending my creativity on the most productive of activities like being an armchair critic and blogging…..
And yeah… the author of this blog must be a real loser to have nothing better to do on the day of a wonderful festival than sitting in front of a comp and making fun of all mankind, including himself! oh no, hez forced to do it….. to delete all the spams on y! messenger……
Labels: Personal
i heard from my roomie that lakshmi and ganesh are worshipped today (donno y )
nyways back home in tamilnadu, we celebrate diwali for Lord krishna killing narakasura.
different ppl, different customs... take it easy rishiji.
Anonymous, at 4:38 AM
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